The "Forum außenpolitische Think-Tanks" (FaTT, Forum of Foreign Policy Think Tanks) is a network of almost 30 organisations and institutes based in Austria which focus on foreign and European policy. The participating institutions are active in many fields, including research, education, events and consulting. The objectives of the Forum are to exchange information and best practice, research papers and briefing materials, to discuss and co-operate regarding Austrian foreign policy priorities and to strengthen interest in foreign policy topics in the public sphere. The Forum was launched at the end of 2017 by the Diplomatische Akademie Wien.
The Forum's website serves as a platform for policy briefs and research papers from participating organisations in the arena of foreign and European policy. By providing easy access to policy papers from Austrian foreign policy think tanks we give researchers, government institutions, NGOs, the media and, above all, the public the opportunity to gain immediate access to the wealth of foreign policy expertise in Austria.